im Matthews

Because Only Perfect Practice Counts
When Only Moments Matter
Advanced Handgun Training
Building upon what was learned in either the Basic Firearms Safety and Marksmanship or the Basic Concealed Carry Certification Training, students will be exposed to a training experience designed to enhance the efficiency of their range training, focusing on real-world applications of more advanced weapons handling skills.
This is a very full training hour and consists of a short block of training in the classroom, followed by an intensive session on the range that is designed to make the shooter learn and grow into a technique that taps into what our brains are doing constantly throughout our daily lives. I introduce a "Smooth Is Fast" technique, utilizing special targets, that taps into a "Self-Calibration" technique that I first observed when shooting rifles while in college and I labeled as "Cognitive Follow-Through". The results will more than speak for themselves. Once you master the basic techniques, the shooter then works on their own to become more efficient, which leads to being smoother, which is indeed faster.
This training is the culmination of my 27+ years instructing and you WILL NOT find it elsewhere, as I designed it and live by it.
Fee: 1 hour for $100/student, using your or my gun(s) and your ammo.
The Intermediate Training Course is geared to the student that has prior firearms training and experience but is looking to become more proficient and effective. We will cover advanced weapons handling skills and learn real-world concepts of marksmanship. Training will concentrate on becoming a smoother and more effective shooter. We will discuss range marksmanship and combat shooter training techniques. This course will go more into the physics and physiology of shooting.
You will shoot 50+ rounds, starting with precision shooting drills, progressing toward shooting under stress to maximize range training techniques which will allow you to become a smoother, faster weapons handler. We will shoot slowly and precisely and customize your training technique.
You may combine this course with the concealed carry class. Plan to put time into learning the intellectual components of the licensing process. See the concealed carry training class description below.