im Matthews

Because Only Perfect Practice Counts
When Only Moments Matter

The beginner course is geared to the student with little to no firearms experience. We will cover basic firearms nomenclature, firearms safety, and marksmanship. I will teach you how to safely train to become a proficient weapons handler, ensuring that your time spent at the range is safe and effective.
​For those with their own firearms, we will cover everything that you need to know about safely handling, maintaining, and using your firearm. For those without their own firearm we will also explore the perfect weapons selection for your needs. It's like buying the perfect pair of walking shoes, ergonomics and fit are everything. Once purchased, count on me to help you become familiarized and confident with your new firearm.
You may combine this course with the concealed carry class. You will then need to shoot 50+ rounds on the range and plan to put time into learning the intellectual components of the licensing process. See the concealed carry training class description below.
The Intermediate Training Course is geared to the student that has prior firearms training and experience but is looking to become more proficient and effective. We will cover advanced weapons handling skills and learn real-world concepts of marksmanship. Training will concentrate on becoming a smoother and more effective shooter. We will discuss range marksmanship and combat shooter training techniques. This course will go more into the physics and physiology of shooting.
You will shoot 50+ rounds, starting with precision shooting drills, progressing toward shooting under stress to maximize range training techniques which will allow you to become a smoother, faster weapons handler. We will shoot slowly and precisely and customize your training technique.
My Advanced Handgun training is geared toward perfecting range training performance, focusing on precision shoot drills and moving toward training instinctive shooting skills. This is for the shooter who has applied themselves to progressing beyond basic marksmanship training and endeavors to learn to train to become as efficient and effective as possible with a handgun. The next step is combat shooting training, which requires a range where moving and shooting, as well holster use is permitted.
You may combine this course with the concealed carry class. Plan to put time into learning the intellectual components of the licensing process. See the concealed carry training class description below.
Successfully completing this course will provide you with the Concealed Carry Training Certificate which is needed to apply for your Florida Concealed Carry Permit. There is no charge for this course as it is a courtesy to all my students. You must take either my basic or Intermediate class first in order to be eligible for the Concealed Carry Class.
(NOTE: As of 07/01/2023, residents of Florida may lawfully carry concealed in Florida without a concealed carry permit, but not in any other states. In my opinion, those who do carry concealed and don't know the laws very well as they apply to use-of-force are SIMPLETON IDIOTS, and a danger to everyone in Florida. Knowledge is critical to responsible firearms ownership and concealed carry. If you utilize deadly force when it is not legally permissible, you are taking someone's father from them unlawfully and likely you from the team of people who need you and love you. Don't be an idiot, learn the laws. Ask me to email you the material. It's really not too complicated to learn and is the smart path to take.)
This course consists of three parts:
I. Classroom Training - This will focus on how to be your own coach while at the range and how to train effectively and efficiently as it relates to concealed carry. We will cover many topics regarding firearms selection, concealment techniques and gear, weapons maintenance, and practicing at home (unloaded).
II. Range Training - You will be required to shoot a minimum of 50-rounds. We will concentrate on quality marksmanship training, diagnosing and fixing issues, and creating individualized perfect practice techniques.
III. Verbal Test - You will be required to know the material provided which includes the Florida Concealed Carry Laws as well as summary of the Florida Forcible Felonies. You will be given a comprehensive but straight-forward verbal quiz over the telephone. This can done at anyday you feel you have an understanding of these laws, before or after classroom / range training. You must pass this quiz in order to apply for your Permit.